Did Gigantic got cheaper? Game is 2000 ARP now. I thought it was a good deal.
0 / 240
04.30.2024 17:46:24 - anonumos -
yes, if unsold awa reduce the price; no it's not, its pretty much dead for the 2nd time
04.30.2024 17:54:25 - MiguelAngelOA -
I know it will die in a few months. But its the perfect chance to play the game since I liked the original. Also, it has crossplay so currently I don't struggle finding people.
04.30.2024 18:02:42 - anonumos -
yeah since you have not payed real money for it yeah go for it; this is the original - its not a remake, the op dev folded 8 yrs ago
04.30.2024 22:58:49 - MiguelAngelOA -
Just discovered Gearbox is not involved anymore? Thats weird.
04.30.2024 23:15:03 - anonumos -
Gearbox was the publisher of the "new" Gigantic, Perfect World was the old publisher and Motiga was the devoloper. Arc Games is the former Gearbox who is the former Perfect World. More important: nobody has the code source
04.30.2024 23:17:02 - anonumos -
that's why i said " pretty much dead for the 2nd time" in the first comment, lol
05.01.2024 00:11:24 - MiguelAngelOA -
I thought you said it because of the low player count
05.01.2024 00:16:41 - anonumos -
no code source no posibility of upgrade or adding new content, they have to hire the former dev or get the source+documentation or reverse engineer. Which takes time and money they dont have acces because the game is Buy to Play (1)
05.01.2024 00:19:20 - anonumos -
(2) because is gated they cannot replace fast enough players that leave, so no money , no servers
05.01.2024 00:21:39 - anonumos -
(3) so yeah low player count also means low chances of doing something or surviving