AWA Artifacts


Well kids. All good things must come to an end. This is the very last AWA Artifact. It will run through Monday, and then there will be no Daily Quest after that for about 12 hours.  My psychic powers are telling me that you should probably expect some downtime on Arena for about 6 hours or so during that time. Then....... we'll all just have to wait and see.

The Alienware Arena team has been putting in a lot of hours recently. So this is gonna be a very easy Artifact weekend. But do not worry. I'm going to make it worth your time. 2X Bonus all weekend. 

Artifact Recap: To earn that precious ARP, use the clues below to find the correct URL or action. Visiting that URL or completing the action will award you with points. If you're stuck, the community usually has a solving topic up in the off-topic section. These will be hard for some of you. 



Be thankful



Thank you



No, seriously. Thank you.



And you



And you especially you