Relay Challenge: Everything is better with friends | February 14~20th | Game: Dead by Daylight | Caption: 2v8 mode survive-with-friends shenanigans. A survivor AFKs mid-match and blocks the ability to unhook another caged survivor. The crows are having a good laugh. A survivor is caged in bones while another AFK survivor is block
Relay Challenge: favorite game | December 12~19th | Game: Dead by Daylight | Reason: Community | 2024 has been an odd year here in the States. But in DbD we can all come together and recognize a rat. Belmont, a snitch who ran into the basement bringing Mike Myers, the killer, along to point at all the players casting the invocation. In turn, we all banded together, Survivors and Killer, to chase down Belmont and give him what he so deserved. Snitches gets stitches. Myers stabbing Belmont the snitch that gave away the survivor's
Relay Challenge | Intel Gamer Days celebrates Intelligent Gamers | Aug 28 - Sept 4th 2024 Game: Dead by Daylight Caption: "Where once we were contenders~ Now we are all befriended~ Let's celebrate lasses and lads!~" and I was immediately whipped afterwards for playing the lute
Weekly Relay Challenge: Formidable Boss/Enemy - August 1 ~ 8th Boss: Trapper and Huntress, 'The Sluggers' Game: Dead by Daylight
The "vistas" sure are breathtaking in Dead by Daylight aren't they, Cheryl? Cheryl Mason, a character from Silent Hill, being choked out by
Youtube Shorts - NutshellAnimations
Shorts from ilikecoconutmilk
Let's see if youtube shorts works as URL link... edits: spoiler alert, youtube shorts does not work for add video... and editing it to change the video doesn't work either... how about if I just toss the link into the text body... nope that doesn't work either... guess I'll just toss an image up instead for this post
It's another day