Mod for NieR: Automata blocks pirates

  • 291

You knew that NieR: Automata was hacked by pirates. Despite the fact that the game used the latest version of Denuvo, hackers hacked it. Since PlatinumGames has decided not to wage war with pirates, modders have taken up the cause.
In particular, we are talking about the FAR fashion, from the user Kaldaien. This mod is a necessity for a comfortable game, but now its author has changed it so that he discovers whether it's licensed whether NieR: Automata or not. If the gamer installed the mod on a pirated copy, then NieR: Automata simply will not start.
Now, when you run NieR: Automata with a FAR mod, you get out a license message and request to buy a game to support the developers

Replies • 49

That's kind of clever, though I'm sure someone will make a workaround for that too soon enough.


Interesting, but hackers will hack that sooner or later.
Regional prices are the most effective anti-piracy that I've ever seen.
Force hackers to use license is the easiest way to fail against piracy.

vinirockman said:

Interesting, but hackers will hack that sooner or later.
Regional prices are the most effective anti-piracy that I've ever seen.
Force hackers to use license is the easiest way to fail against piracy.

True True

vinirockman said:

Interesting, but hackers will hack that sooner or later.
Regional prices are the most effective anti-piracy that I've ever seen.
Force hackers to use license is the easiest way to fail against piracy.

i think the developer already know about this, they just want to slowing the pirate so they still can selling the games


For anyone who doesnt know FAR (Fix Automata Resolution) you can see it in here [Mod Page on steam]. This mod basically give you more option for in game graphic.

So this mod will blocked player to play Pirated version of Nier to be played if they install FAR mod. But the maker of the FAR (Kaldaien) already banned by Nier moderator in the steam community forum because of this mod.


 cruel  to Kaldaien

 he just want to doing game specific fixes... and yet the  game is not update any patch to fix their games more than 1 month.

adi_a12 said:

For anyone who doesnt know FAR (Fix Automata Resolution) you can see it in here [Mod Page on steam]. This mod basically give you more option for in game graphic.

So this mod will blocked player to play Pirated version of Nier to be played if they install FAR mod. But the maker of the FAR (Kaldaien) already banned by Nier moderator in the steam community forum because of this mod.

He wasn't banned for mod per se, but he was (temp?)banned for being a jerk who couldn't keep his mouth shut and went into insult-war (which probably wouldn't happen if he wouldn't release said mod). He probably was right (AFAIK he was attacked by pirates so he called them... let's say "bad people"), but it's Steam Forums - you see someone insult you in any way, report and go forward, otherwise it's you who is going to be in troubles.

Kinda sad that pirates have more rights than modders, but "Justice is Blind"...