New trailer for Fifa 18 confirmed - Alex Hunter will be able to play in leagues of big five

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We got a new trailer for Fifa 18, more precisely its The Journey: Hunter Returns mode. The video confirms some of the information that we already had - for example, Alex Hunter in Brazil will play street soccer, but some of which we're not sure - that it will be able to play outside the Premiership.

Indeed, Hunter will be able to make a big transfer to Primera, Bundesliga or the French "championship". During his exciting season we`ll meet active footballers like Ronaldo, Griezmann and Müller, as well as some retired such as Thierry Henry, Rio Ferdinand etc. As we have doubted, Hunter will also have a girlfriend whom he will play cat and mice, and the trailer suggests that during the story we will be able to play also with her, since she is also a footballer.

Tagged with: FIFA Series, Soccer Games

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