Diane Kruger as the main female character of Kojima's Death Stranding?
Hideo Kojima, with his own game Death Stranding, gathered a truly glorious acting lineup with Norman Reedus, who was assigned as the main role of protagonist, Guillermo del Toro, Mads Mikkelsen, Troy Baker, Emily O'Brien and Stefanie Joosten, but it seems that this list of famous actors will not stop.
Evidence suggests that Diane Kruger could indeed be involved in the Death Stranding development, came across us through YouTuber, named YongYe, who provided a fair amount of evidence in the video that you can see below.
Namely, YongYea has collected some pretty convincing arguments that point to Diane Kruger's role as the main female figure - starting with Kojima's puzzle tweet from last year, in which he stated that he finally met an actress he'd been in love for longer than 10 years, and through the fact that Kruger is originally German who has been living in Paris for a time, and that the action of the second Death Stranding trailer is evidently taking place in France, and up to a few photos of Kojima, Kruger and Norman Reedus together with set of her tweets in a mocap suit identical to what Norman Reedus wore during motion capture session.
Evidences that really suggests that Diane Kruger might be the final link of Kojima's supercast is a lot, so we have a tendency to believe that this time is really about the right information, and as the E3 2018 approaches and the promised gameplay presentation of the game, it's possible that the same will be dedicated exactly to Kruger's and her character. Of course, for some more concrete conclusions we will have to wait a bit longer.
Tagged with: Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima