Assassin's Creed Odyssey takes us to the battle for the Peloponnese and in conflict with Socrates

  • 1177

The new Assassin's Creed called Odyssey was officially announced and it's closer than you might expected. Namely, the game on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One arrives October 5th of this year. But Ubisoft will say that this Assassin is fearless and does not recognize failures. Yes - it is Spartan. Or Spartanela.

For the first time in the AC series, the game will give us the choice whether to play with Alexios or Kassandra, who are the successor to Spartan King Leonidas. I do not know how exactly the female figure fits in with the Spartan scenario - but it does not need to slam your head too much because Ubisoft has once again taken the romantic view of history with fantasy and mythical motives. In other words, we will fight the Minotaur with the weapons we inherited from the gods themselves.

It has been confirmed that we will have dialogues in the game, with which we will be able to alter course of action, but also virtual history. Naval battles are returning, and the combat system will be expanded with additional capabilities.

Tagged with: Assassin's Creed series, E3 2018, Ubisoft, Ubisoft @ E3 2018

Replies • 42


I am very pleased to hear about that scenario. But I'm also very curious, how the peaceful Athenian philospher Socrates is getting involved in a conflict...

They literally promoted Assassin's Creed Origins as the origins of the assassins, as specified in its TITLE, yet this game takes place even before Origins. 

Why are these series called Assassin's Creed anymore?


•The first games were kinda plausible stories that could have happened at the sidelines of history.
•Every new game is less and less plausible.
•We have reached a point when you can have a woman as the king of Sparta and you go to war with Socrates.

The story of these games is utter rubbish at this point and I think everything after Assassin's Creed III should have been part of a whole different franchise.

I keep loving these games because they look so friggin' awesome but they should either put an effort to make them plausible or create a whole new franchise about cool people doing badass stuff in loosely historical settings.


Oh look! Another Assassin's Creed! I bet this one is a set of pretty graphics with a lot of historical fails, they are getting worst every time.