Vice City beta cars, vehicle, transport. In this part: unused cars, which can be found only in the game files, cars which were slightly changed, hidden cars in the game and many more. I hope you will enjoy it. There will be part 2, no ETA.
Do you have a magazine with a GTA series article? I would be very grateful if you could scan or photograph me your issue. These GTA articles usually have a lot of interesting stuff inside. If you think that your article is uninteresting, contact me anyways. Be aware, that I don't care if your issue is not written in English. If I use your scans or other materials in a video, I will give you a shout-out. This would be my special thanks to you. If you have something awesome or a lot of articles, I would be happy to give you an early access of my upcoming video (or even videos) absolutely for free. Do you have GTA press kit or non-English GTA version?