Apex Legends Seems To Draw Heavy Inspiration From Popular Anime

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Do you love anime? How about One Punch Man – a show about a powerful but aloof superhero wannabe? Well if you do, you aren't alone. The team at Respawn may have hewed too close to a character from One Punch Man in their design of Apex Legend's Wraith. See if you can spot the similarities between Wraith and One Punch Man's Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, in the comparison shot above.

This isn't the first hint that Respawn contains some anime fans. Titanfall's story of a soldier befriending his robot companion may have taken inspiration from Gargantia of the Verdurous Planet, a show that follows... a soldier fighting alongside and befriending his robot companion.

Read our review of Apex Legends, or you can learn about how Respawn has pushed for more diverse characters here.

[Source: Reddit]

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