5 Reasons Why You Should Be Playing Apex Legends
If you aren’t familiar with Apex Legends by now, you’ve only just hooked up your broadband today or have muted all mentions of anything related to EA online. It’s nothing short of a total phenomenon with it reaching 50 million players in a month and showing no signs of slowing down. Respawn finally have the attention they deserve, though we can only hope this doesn’t mean the end of Titanfall: the universe which Apex Legends takes place in.
In the unlikely event that you’re totally unaware of Apex Legends or have yet to download it, here are just some of the reasons why you should, and why it’s gone on to be such an unprecedented success that seems to have Epic Games worried.
Apex Legends_20190204224025Apex Legends was already one of the best free games on its three platforms (PC, PS4, and Xbox One) the second it launched. It actually came out of nowhere after a short teaser stream before it was suddenly up for grabs for the grand price of nothing — a surprise considering just how full featured and “ready” the game was for primetime. This was no Radical Heights, the desperate ploy of a struggling developer to stay relevant. Apex Legends has had as much effort poured into as any of Respawn’s other ventures.
Its free nature means that your friends are also able to get it downloaded and then main Wraith forever without trying any of the other Legends. Even your most anxious of friends will likely revel in Apex thanks to its unique approach to team comms. Though there is some work to be done with the loot boxes being tied to progression, Apex is a game that you feel could go for full price and not many people would bat an eyelid.
Helmed by the people that made Call of Duty such an FPS revelation, Respawn know all there is to know about making an exceptional first-person shooter. If you’re tired of Fortnite and the need to be a qualified architect for every single engagement, Apex Legends is mostly about pure gun skill, which will be evident to anyone who has played the terribly underrated Titanfall games.
Guns feel meaty and precise, the feedback from a knock harking back to the glorious jingle of a Killzone kill. Apex is constantly making you feel like a god before you are humbled by a Pathfinder that seems to appear from the heavens, or a Wraith who is Naruto’ing around all your bullets. While it may appear simpler than something like Fortnite on the surface, learning the ins and outs of the many guns (Mozambique is the best, by the way), perfect positioning throughout Kings Canyon’s many locales, when to push and when to not, and how to utilise your Ultimates make Apex a battle royale that you’re constantly learning.
While they were an exciting new genre when they were first popularised, battle royale games are now rote. Well, they were until Apex Legends came out and somehow re-energised the tired formula to make it feel completely brand new. As someone who has played almost every battle royale conceivable over the past year and a bit, I was more surprised than anyone to find myself utterly hooked after a couple of Apex Legends matches.
Whether it’s the pinging system, the intensity of going for a respawn, abilities, or even something as simple as its game show veneer, Apex Legends has swayed even the most jaded of battle royale fans, or even attracted those who were never interested in the genre to begin with. Respawn knew that they were going to have to innovate rather than iterate, and they have done, so much so that Fortnite has copied them — just not nearly as well.
Everyone has a favourite Apex Legends character, and that’s because they are all bursting with character themselves. Whether it’s the cocky stupidity of Mirage or the almost hilariously edgy Caustic, there’s a Legend for you. I, personally, find that Lifeline is the queen of Apex Legends and would support her in all of her decisions, even if she has to be used as the Ultimate Accelerant mule.
Being set in the Titanfall universe also means that there could be some crossover potential to come. Apart from Blisk in the intro, we’ve not seen much to tie Apex Legends to Titanfall just yet, but you have to think that Jack Cooper is aware of the Apex Games. The prize money is worthwhile, and travelling to other planets to find your robot mate isn’t cheap, after all.
Respawn could also go down the Overwatch route and really build up lore, something that its launch trailer and background info seem to suggest is a key part of the experience. I really want to see Caustic just relaxing at home with a bagel or something.
We are actually in the pre-season phase of Apex Legends at this time of writing with Season 1 not due to start until sometime in March. If you compare how different Fortnite was in its first season compared to its peak (Season 4, by the way), there are plenty of reasons to get excited about what lies ahead. It’s a diamond with a few rough edges (glitches, crashes) that need buffing out, which will almost certainly come with its first significant update.
That update is shrouded in some mystery, but it will definitely bring with it a Battle Pass (giving players a reason to sink more time into the game), a new Legend(s), and new weapons. Respawn supported Titanfall 2 admirably over the years despite it being more or less sent out to die by EA, so you can only imagine the manpower they will be able to throw behind a game that is thriving like no other.
From our Apex Legends review:
“Even the most jaded of battle royale fans will find their interest rejuvenated by Apex Legends thanks to Respawn’s attention to detail, superior gunplay, and fantastic innovations, though the loot boxes and progression system certainly need addressing.”