Male gamers will officially be drafted in the US army at the end of 2019
Being drafted was once a requirement to fulfill for your nation. Old generations have fought to secure a peaceful life for new generations of people. As it is, today's generation might be obligated to soon join the army amid the multitude of proxy wars that US is partaking.
US Military is short on people, despite the enormous budget it has
Col. Dan Sanders David Smith Jr. has stated the potential for male gamers in the army:
I believe our latest drafts in the army will be composed of male aged 17-34 who are veterans to digital entertainment, more specifically to the video game Dark Souls. We believe Dark Souls male gamers will turn the tides of war in the future, and i am looking forward to them joining our corps.
Dark Souls gamers?
As it appears, the US Government sees the potential of Dark Souls male gamers to win the ongoing proxy wars. They claim that Dodge Rolling could turn the tides of war.
What is "Dodge Rolling?"
Dodge Rolling in Dark Souls is the act of employing invincible frames to dodge attack and not get hurt.
That 1 second invincibility frame allows you to dodge any attack. The timing must be near perfect to achieve this.
With this, the US Government believes that drafted Male gamers can Dodge Roll incoming Afghani bullets, potentially creating a huge tactical innovation in the military force.
A new unit, called the Dodge Corp. will be created. The Dodge Corp. will act as distraction for enemy fire. Initially, the US Government wanted to issue standard kevlar armor for The Dodge Corp, however Col. Dan Sanders David Smith Jr. has seen the key aspect of dodge rolling:
They must be naked. No question asked. In order to perform a longer invincibility frame, our unit needs to cut down any unnecessary weight, including any body armor, weapons and such. This allows maximum possibility to Dodge Roll properly.
This tactic requires the The Dodge Corp to be butt naked in the battlefield. Being bare naked will have the advantages of not only throwing off the enemy with naked US soldiers, but also demoralizing them when they will find out that they can dodge bullets and any incoming attacks, by using the invincibility frames.
The US Government wants Male Dark Souls gamers to be drafted at the end of 2019, although it might possibly happen later, potentially mid 2020.
Article written by: Myself (Caecus est inamabilis sciurus)