MultiVersus Launched! Are You Brawling?!

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MultiVersus is Here!!  

Multiversus launch image feature multiple characters in the game.

Gamers and fans of the platform brawlers, are you here!? MultiVersus officially launched May 28th, and it's free-to-play! If you were part of the thousands that played the Open Beta last year, you know just how much this brawler is switching up the game with some of the most iconic characters of pop culture! If you didn’t get in on the open beta last year, we're here to fill you in on what's new since then for the recent launch--  

Multiversus, from studio Player First Games, has brought us a new platform brawler to shake up a genre gripped by Smash Bros and Brawlhalla. With a whole suite of characters from Batman to Superman to one of my personal favs, Jake and Finn from Adventure Time and the Iron Giant; a 90s childhood masterpiece!   

After the beta last year, Player First Games have given the title a ton of updates on their dubbed “Road to Launch” since March 12th of this year – you can catch up on it all on the news section of the MultiVersus Steam Page. We got a great video from Game Director, Tony Hyunh, about the updates since the beta period and what the team at Player First Games has been working on! From updating visuals to UE 5, rebuilding the games Netcode, to adding more characters to an already star-studded roster - I wasn't prepared for everything that was in store!  

New PvE Mode - Rifts

PvE Mode menu


One of the larger new pieces to the game is the introduction of a new PVE mode called “Rifts”, for those players who are keen on practicing their brawler skills without the competitiveness of PvP. Taking a deeper look, this new game mode has me reminiscing those days on the N64 playing Smash, making my way through the various levels to reach the legendary God Hand boss fight. Now with MultiVersus, the various battles within the Rift mode are accompanied by different effects called “Mutators”. These mutators will lead you to a variety of unique and challenging combat encounters – like infinite jumps or having rotisserie chicken gauntlets to punch Marvin the Martian, you read that right. In any case, the Rifts mode looks like a great time, and I am here for it – if you want to take a deeper look, check out this MVS Blog.  

New Characters and Updated Characters  

Menu for Harley Quinn character

I am a huge fan of the character roster this game sports – I mean who doesn’t love Tom and Jerry, shout out 90s babies! There has been a handful of new characters added to the verse, with the latest reveal being the slowest, yet fastest walker in the horror movie cinema: Jason Vorhees! It doesn’t stop there though, the devs have also added Banana Guard (I’m screaming inside!!) from Adventure Time, and even Batman’s arch-nemesis we all know - the man, the legend, The Joker! With the new toons added, the devs also gave some love to existing characters, sprucing up visuals and combat maneuvers for characters like Bugs Bunny, Shaggy, and Harley Quinn! Be sure to check them out, along with your personal favs, to see how things are different with the recent launch!

How do you like Multiversus? Do you have a favorite character to play? Join the conversation in the comments and let us know what you think! 


Replies • 11

500+ hours on the beta that wasn't the beta but they magically decided it was beta.... after peopole sunk money into it

they removed FFA, my favorite game mode

10 hours of the new

all around the game is worse

already uninstalled and i'm done with it for good

BallsToYouMyGoodSIr said: 4h


500+ hours on the beta that wasn't the beta but they magically decided it was beta.... after peopole sunk money into it

they removed FFA, my favorite game mode

10 hours of the new

all around the game is worse

already uninstalled and i'm done with it for good

From the day it launched it had "Beta" stamped across the logo so, yeah. But I still think it is messed up to sell 2 season passes and other cosmetics for a game in Beta then take it down for a year. That really rubbed many people the wrong way, and for good reason.
