Dead by Daylight | Doomed Course | Official Trailer

  • 13
Loyalty runs thicker than blood. It’s time to embark. Doomed Course is coming. Learn more: Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.       PLAY DEAD BY DAYLIGHT:   
Replies • 12


I am still waiting for the "fix solo q" DLC =( 
But a new killer is always welcome!


OMG, please, if you guys add this to the games vault: Make sure that only people with the game can claim it.


AndresCP said: 19h

I am still waiting for the "fix solo q" DLC =( 
But a new killer is always welcome!

I am solo q, I never had a problem. sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. It's a matter of luck, decisions, perks, and skill (timing+position).

edited 5mo

perberos said: 15h

OMG, please, if you guys add this to the games vault: Make sure that only people with the game can claim it.


AndresCP said: 19h

I am still waiting for the "fix solo q" DLC =( 
But a new killer is always welcome!

I am solo q, I never had a problem. sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. It's a matter of luck, decisions, perks, and skill (timing+position).

edited 15h

Never had a problem? 
Broh, the amount of survivors who dc instantly at the sight of one specific killer or kill themselves on first hook is off the charts, some days the game as a survivor is insufferable.

AndresCP said: 2h

Never had a problem? 
Broh, the amount of survivors who dc instantly at the sight of one specific killer or kill themselves on first hook is off the charts, some days the game as a survivor is insufferable.

That seems to be a low Elo problem. But it could be too the random game crash problem, or a person doing the season quests.

edited 5mo

perberos said: 12m
AndresCP said: 2h

Never had a problem? 
Broh, the amount of survivors who dc instantly at the sight of one specific killer or kill themselves on first hook is off the charts, some days the game as a survivor is insufferable.

That seems to be a low Elo problem. But it could be too the random game crash problem, or a person doing the season quests.

edited 5m

So there is a problem. 
 It's not okay for normal players (under 100 hours) to have a miserable experience only because the MMR dictates that you are forced to play with dudes who dc instantly, if you gotta have over 500 hours to have normal games, is that normal in any game?

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