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Slumber King

Is travisgafford, on Twitch, still missing the AWA ARP Widget for anyone else? Seems like every time I go to his Twitch channel, from the Control Center, there's no way to actually gain ARP from the channel, which seems odd for a supposed partner that we are directed to watch for ARP (that you then can't earn).
j​k - 05.14.2024 04:01:53
I noticed the same thing
NodOff - 05.14.2024 05:21:27
@anonumos Wonder if it's even still monitored, if we can dig it up.
Pylawn - 05.15.2024 13:33:09
This one's on me. Travis isn't one of our streamers anymore so need to remove him from the list. Should be updated now.
NodOff - 05.16.2024 16:17:41
Thanks @Pylawn