Greetings and salutations friends! Join us on tonight for our Feb Gamevault series featuring Ultros, Banishers Ghost of New Eden, and Stargate: Timekeepers ! Earn that ARP for when the vault unlocks on the 23rd! 7pm EST - 10pm EST - bring a cookie.
Daytraders - 02.20.2024 13:53:43
So we earn arp while watching stream as well ? i always watch anyway, but did not realise we got arp. thx
AW__Tom - 02.20.2024 14:36:51
@Daytraders yes you will earn ARP by watching provided you have connected Twitch to your Arena account. You can connect that through the account settings tile in control center
Daytraders - 02.20.2024 15:44:07
Thx for reply, yeh i am connected so all ok, thx
AW_Vigo - 02.20.2024 15:52:23
Thanks TheTruTH2262 for helping clarify. =) Appreciate the support as always.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 02.20.2024 16:43:03
@Daytraders Just remember to scroll down to see if the Widget shows up saying "Hooray! You're earning ARP" msg.
Daytraders - 02.20.2024 16:50:44
@❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ Yeh, i have forgotten loads of times to do that and lost hours of arp from the watching the twitch quests.
Fruit Punch Samurai - 02.20.2024 17:51:59
No Hell Pie? Thought that would be Vigo's favorite.