Hi I have this artifact
PN 295 Cruiser Class Battery Amplifier But this artifact doesn't work because I installed and upgrade it, but it does not work because the artifact should give me 15 ARP when completing steam quest, but I did not get anything from it between I did just two of three quest can anybody tell me what should I do Thanks
0 / 240
09.03.2024 09:04:29 - Thalatash -
Did you check your "ARP Progress". For some reason it doesn't always show in the Control Center, but it will show total in the progress section.
09.03.2024 11:19:03 - Daytraders -
yeh it will show only 15, but in your arp progress will show right amount.
09.03.2024 12:09:34 - DwarfMohamed -
Thank you i did find it in the qrp progress Thanks for you reply Thank you very much
09.03.2024 16:25:38 - aliencal -
Also note it can take a bit to show up in the logs. Make sure to leave it equipped until is shows in the log or it will not count.
09.03.2024 17:50:55 - DwarfMohamed -
Thank you very much
09.04.2024 02:52:55 - Fistfulofsteel -
Please consider using more periods <3