Does pressing the "Unequip" button beneath an artifact trigger the 24 hour cooldown preventing you from
Equipping another Artifact? Like does "Unequip" count as Switching an Artifact
frank479 - 03.20.2024 22:16:13
You wouldn't think so but I remember someone complaining a long time ago about not doing "unequip" and I think that was the reason why.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 03.20.2024 22:22:45
That issue was fixed in the past when that same issue came out that triggers another extra 24 hours cooldown. Now it won't happen anymore.
Joah-Den - 03.20.2024 23:14:27
Thanks for the input. Yesterday I clumsily swapped artifacts, so today after waiting 24 hours i tried to switch back, but couldn't. I tried unequip & now i just have an empty slot I can't fill. Guess I could wait another 24 & try again?
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 03.21.2024 01:31:21
Have you tried any steps mentioned in ⚡Artifacts & Fragments FAQ