Is anyone else having problems with the Twitch streaming not giving ARP? Watched a hive streamer for over an hour and my arp still says 0
bmurray75 - 03.13.2025 01:27:52
Yesterday the in video alien widget took a couple refreshes before it started showing time accumulation. But tonight, it seems to be going fine. If the streamer is using the old widget, make sure to scroll so it loads.
kudomonster - 03.13.2025 15:44:40
also check your adblocker - I had one that updated and impeded my progress
MysteriousMrX - 03.14.2025 01:36:46
Had problems with a streamer today who uses the old widget (even though it said I was earning ARP), but a streamer with the new Twitch integration (in video popout) seems to be working fine.
Leingodd00 - 03.14.2025 12:18:53
Thanks guys, it was to do on twitch's end, it didn't like my browser so I had to switch to another one, thanks for all of the comments/advice