Thanks Alienware for Duplicate Product Code.
wurmi89 - 03.23.2024 11:58:03
nightingale? have the same problem with this key
krishtian - 03.23.2024 12:19:10
Send your request here and it'll be fixed, no need to be sarcastic, AWA has nothing to do to dupes, it's Publisher/Developer who supplied these keys
Snake_Tuga - 03.23.2024 12:44:43
dont work @krishtian cant see or send msg tks anyway
krishtian - 03.23.2024 12:45:40
You need to link your AWA account to Discord and then ask for help.
ps2three4 - 03.23.2024 12:57:42
I too have the same problem with the key obtained for this game. :(
corneliap - 03.23.2024 13:12:10
that Discord channel doesn't seem to load @krishtian :( ...
krishtian - 03.23.2024 13:22:17 come here
ps2three4 - 03.23.2024 13:45:23
Connected Discord account to Alienwarearena. Still no #report-issue channel listed or accessible.
Vigi1 - 03.23.2024 16:14:24
#report-issue is PRIVATE channel. Private channels are invisible if you're not invited.
krishtian - 03.23.2024 16:20:36
You gotta verify yourself at arena-connect then you'll get an accss to report channel