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Steam Hunter Malaysia

Delta Force. It's amazing game I enjoy playing regularly even without achievements available. Once I get to be on number 1 scoreboard just from reviving players in Warfare. It was lot of fun even if you're not pro fps player. Game has; - Awesome movements - Beautiful graphics - Various skills and traits - Short matchmacking and no lags - Game is free - Lot of players from my country - And my favourite mode is Operations. The best, fun and anxious gameplay.
easyrhino - 12.18.2024 17:40:05
I wasn't really feeling the game myself, but i'm starting to realize i'm old and like my shooters slower paced. But good on you! nice when you can rack up a quest playing a game you like!
CloudKeisha - 12.19.2024 04:52:31
For me, im focusing more on objectives and roles that im best at and having fun. Example, as attacker, ill be healer to reduce casualty. As defender, i become engineer and use LMG lying down to shoot down as many enemies i can get XD.