Did anyone else have trouble figuring out how to do the Relay thing on this site? I must have missed where the instructions had been originally posted.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 02.29.2024 03:30:26
Which relay thing?
Joah-Den - 02.29.2024 04:01:00
Like under Community tab.. there is "Relay" and you do something on the forums, but its not really explained in there.
j​k - 02.29.2024 05:07:43
This is Relay. Congrats.
Joah-Den - 02.29.2024 05:55:00
Thank You!
TurdFerguson87 - 02.29.2024 10:26:24
I second めぐみんーさん. What are you talking about.
Joah-Den - 02.29.2024 22:31:08
I was commenting on how i had no idea what a Relay was... I would see that ARP points could be earned doing a Relay, but I did not know if it was a game or how it was done.