What would happen if you get a artifact you already own?
MysteriousMrX - 02.18.2025 00:52:35
If you're talking about the DOTA 2 event, you'll get 50 ARP instead of the artifact as the milestone reward.
CarlosRuisu - 02.18.2025 01:12:35
THX :)
Sonic321master - 02.18.2025 07:13:00
Thank you
kaavar - 02.18.2025 13:25:01
turn it into cash of course!
Sebastian_Crenshaw - 02.18.2025 16:11:38
never happed to me
Fruit Punch Samurai - 02.18.2025 17:58:50
Identical artifacts coming in contact with each other will cause a tear in the fabric of space and time, which will allow *** THEM *** to reach out from their prison dimension and infect you with a permanent -20% ARP earn rate. 😈