Anyone else wish we had timestamps for the artifact slot cooldown?
Aradiel. - 04.16.2024 01:22:02
It would be helpful, but I'd settle for not having to change the site prefix (na. eu.) just to be able to change them once 24hrs had passed.
ZombieGovernment - 04.16.2024 02:33:55
Yes. But I would also settle for a log history on the bottom of the page for when artifacts were equipped (if it's causes less stress on severs).
bcdusk2 - 04.16.2024 13:34:40
Fruit Punch Samurai - 04.17.2024 16:44:37
You can always search the webpage source code (Ctrl+U) for your Artifacts Showroom, and view the timestamp for when an artifact was equipped in a slot.