Our annual St. Jude fundraiser campaign starts today at noon! We will be kicking it off on with Zet Zillions and Combo Card Clashers which you will be able to pick up on our fundraiser page for $2 each. 100% of it going to St. Jude thanks to our great partners from Erabit and Raw Fury! Be sure to also watch out for the special Arena Avatar item!
Popularan - 07.08.2024 15:56:13
I bought my Arena Avatar item. Thanks for accompanying donation Alienware!
Fruit Punch Samurai - 07.08.2024 16:09:43
@Popularan - "We cannot accept your purchase at this time." Had to change my region in the URL before St. McAfee finally accepted my offering. 😆
AW_Vigo - 07.09.2024 13:29:25
Glory be to St. McAfee Fruit Punch Samurai!
Garfunkelovitch - 08.02.2024 11:17:02
Great !