Discretionary award? Not sure why or what is it, but I got some ARP from it.

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StompsDaWombat - 03.03.2025 22:48:52
Did you report missing ARP from last week's Steam Quests? If so, that's it. If not, it could be a mistake. In which case you can either be honest and report it to Lecksea or say nothing and see if you get to keep it.
War_Child_82 - 03.04.2025 00:45:07
I got the same, guessing it's what Stomps said (I didn't report, but didn't get the steam quest ARP)
Ojomrog - 03.04.2025 01:36:11
Didn't report but also didn't get last weeks steam quests. Got 3 discretionary 15, 25 and 30 arps. Maths out fine for what i would have gotten too.
Sebastian_Crenshaw - 03.04.2025 09:12:42
I guess it is for quests from last week
Daytraders - 03.04.2025 10:09:37
guys where do i report missing arp for yesterday, i done 2 steam quests when i had artifacts enabled that should give me a extra 20 arp per steam quest, but i only got 15arp and 25arp, should have had a extra 40 arp for both, thx
redshirtless - 03.04.2025 10:49:22
Seems to be random how much they doled out, and not based on what was actually lost which in some cases was much higher. Some reported getting 70 while others got 45, unfortunately I was one of the unlucky who only got 45.