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Lonely hoarder

Is over
20,000! Amazing how long it took me to reach that in Lifetime ARP.
Aradiel. - 06.08.2024 02:20:38
I just hit 20k myself. It didn't take as much time for me. Refer a friend, and refunds on the badges helped a lot.
bcdusk2 - 06.08.2024 12:34:57
Refers no longer work.
titomalkavian - 06.09.2024 05:14:24
Congratulations, @bcdusk2! How long it took? I'm leveling up since 8 months ago and just reached the Tier-4 (Galactic). Wasn't aware how Artifacts, Discord polls and the site worked, even Daily Quests. An I skipped many events and days.