I cant seem to find the alienware 30th anniversary survey?? anyone who knows can you post the link? thanks!
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12.11.2024 22:53:22 - Digital Advantage -
12.12.2024 03:40:39 - RiceGravy -
Thank you
12.12.2024 13:07:15 - maramire -
I did the survey and it says incomplete.
12.12.2024 13:11:08 - maramire -
I tried the 2nd time and still did not register, I am done
12.13.2024 06:27:55 - ngoclong19 -
@maramire, please left click the link in the control center, you won't need to complete the survey again. Middle and right click, or context menu won't work.
12.13.2024 11:30:18 - maramire -
Thank you @ng0clong19. It worked today.