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🙌🏻 Game Vault March, 2025 🙌🏻 | ✨Killing Floor III (4500 ARP/Tier 4+) | The Dead Await (1600 ARP/Tier 1+) | Warframe (230 ARP/Tier 3+) | Hotline Miami (1400 ARP/Tier 2+) | Murky Divers (1400 ARP/Tier 2+) | ArcRunner (2200 ARP/Tier 1+) | Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawai (6100 ARP/Tier 5+) | Forgotten but Unbroken (4300 ARP/Tier 3+)
Andyteroo - 03.01.2025 01:08:21
Great games but none for my taste, guess this month i'll save ARP
StellarGamer - 03.01.2025 01:13:28
yakuza cost as much as metaphor, probably gone instant vault open
King Luiso - 03.01.2025 01:53:19
@Andyteroo Oh, even KF III is not a great option to play this spring? In any case, hope you can save a lot of ARP for next month.
King Luiso - 03.01.2025 01:57:11
@StellarGamer Nice shoot! That is right! It costed as Meraphor months ago. So I believe we will see out of stock in in 0.5 secs or less. At least for KF III and Yakuza. I wish you good luck this month if you plan to grab a great one!
MonF24 - 03.01.2025 02:17:20
Manfred Von Richtofen - 03.01.2025 02:46:36
yeeeeeeeeeeahhhh boiiiiii
perberos - 03.01.2025 07:18:41
Already out of stock for Pirate Yakuza? Those bots are out of control!!! Meh, I don't have the points anyway...
Only4War1988 - 03.01.2025 07:52:04
The server will be crashed by bots, and it will be impossible to get a key. Since November it's impossible to get a key
Johnnycomesatnight - 03.01.2025 10:12:57
The vault is the worst. The servers are crashing each time. The games are out of stock even before the vault opens. You are even posting screenshot with out of stock games and you are braging. There is no point in collecting ARP
Johnnycomesatnight - 03.01.2025 10:15:54
So it does not matter if you have the points or not. Everything just starts to look like a scam to trick the people into visiting and interacting with the site each day. Shame, you use to be cool, man