How many ARPs do you guys get daily on an average? I get like 30 ARPs which is fine but it takes a long time to collect a lot of ARPs for the vaults. So I'm just curious if the daily ARP gets more with time. Thank youuuuuu
0 / 240
02.12.2025 20:46:35 - blalilulelo -
I get around 50-60 daily. Depends a lot on your equipped artifacts tho. Like... you have an artifact that raises twitch quest limit by 2, mine does 15.
02.12.2025 20:58:39 - AllTracTurbo -
According to "my ARP progress" in the control center, I got around 1950 and 2150 the last 2 months. That's about 65-70/ day. Pn295 gives an extra 15/day from Twitch and Chai stones gives +6 for the monthly and daily which adds +12 each day.
02.12.2025 21:01:29 - AllTracTurbo -
I don't use Discord and I only do the 1 Steam quest where you can pick your own game to play since I am always playing something and just pick the one I am currently playing.
02.12.2025 21:35:13 - sceptical1960 -
I usually get 2000-2200 monthly. I play the Discord game, I have maxed Chai stones (+12 most days, +6 if there's a border or bling), maxed PM295 (+15 twitch dailty). Ramping the Arches for +6 daily login (I think).
02.12.2025 21:37:31 - sceptical1960 -
I also swop in the maxed PN295 recycler (+15 or +25 for weekly steam quests), but I only bother with those if the download is snmall, too much hassle. Finally populate the Stanley set for -15% cost of Games (-450 to -750) and fragments
02.12.2025 21:38:08 - durua -
Thanks guys, I'll wait for better artifacts then lol. 60 ARPs a day doesn't sound bad but still I thought it'd be a lot more considering how much you have to grind
02.12.2025 22:59:36 - StompsDaWombat -
With (mostly) fully upgraded Artifacts, I average around 2500-2600 per month. So, that's around an 80-85 ARP per day. (Lower on the weekends, higher on the day I complete Steam Quests.)
02.13.2025 03:24:13 - jsmith1976 -
Total ARP earned today: 58
02.13.2025 07:50:53 - Appa_CFL -
Total ARP earned today: 95
02.13.2025 10:59:27 - tessai10 -
Be patient and find the right artifacts to combine to get extra arp percentages